Can Someone Hack Your Email With Just Your Email Address?

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Emails are very important things, and if you have one you should take proper care of it to make sure that you're safe,

In this post, I am going to be answering the question "Can someone hack your email with just your email address?"

I decided to write about this topic today after I've written a blog post about can someone hack your paypal account with your email address

After writing that post I felt it will be useful if I write a general post about email security again today, so here we are.

Emails can be used for many things, you can use email to receive your online orders,  you can use your email address to create accounts on the internet,

You can even use your email to create your own blog, it can be used for business purposes, it can also be used as a means of exchanging messages with people around the world.

According to statista, email users amounted to 4 billion people in 2020 and it is set to reach 4.6 billion in 2025,

Despite the growth of many social media messengers, email still remains an integral.

So without wasting time let's get into today's article.

What can hackers do with your email address?

Hackers can't do a lot with your email address unless if they have your email password, 

They can only be able to send you malicious emails trying to get your passwords or personal information,

But even though they can't do a lot with your email address, they can also be very tricky at times, scammers can pretend to be sending you an email from your bank or work place and because you believe those kind of people won't be scamming you

They can use that opportunity of trust from you to have you do something sensitive that will make you end up being scammed.

So whatever you do with your email, be very careful, scammers can also send you phishing emails that may look like it is coming from a trusted social media like Facebook and make you to try logging in with your email and password and if you do, those scammers will now have access to your password.

Can someone hack your email with just your email address?

someone cannot hack your email with just your email address, they can only scam you of giving them your personal or sensitive information so that they can use those information to hack your email.

But this doesn't mean you should send out your email to whoever, because scammers are very tricky, someone can create a phishing page that looks exactly like your bank website and have to log in into the website and if you do, they can have access your password and or personal information.

Most times, if you receive a suspicious email from a trusted website, you should check very carefully to make sure you're not on a fake website that was only created to look like the website you're trying to access.

Most times, phishing websites can be identified if their protocol is not https but http, because https are marked as safe websites while http are marked as not safe websites

Especially when you're using chrome browser, so whenever you're accessing a website through your email, make sure the website is safe by looking at the protocol and also checking that the URL is correct.

Is it safe to give out your email address?

Generally, it is safe to give out your email address to people, but there's no need of giving out your email address to someone you don't trust, it is advisable that you know who you're giving your email address to.

In my case, I don't easily give out my email address to people, unless if it is an email that I created for general purposes.

It is good to have more than one email address, so that you can keep one as your personal email address and the rest for other reasons.

For example, if you use an email address to open a paypal account, Skrill or any online payment account, you shouldn't use the email for general purposes, you should only be using that email address for receiving and sending out payments.

Can I tell if my email has been hacked?

The only way to find out that your email has been hacked is when you can't log into the email with your correct password, or when you log into your email and you saw some emails which you haven't opened as read.

In order to avoid having your email being scammed, you should be sure who you're sending out your email address to, and be smart enough to spot a spam email and block it immediately.

What can I do if someone hacked my email?

When you find out that your email has been hacked you should change your password immediately, if you do this, you will fully have your email back to safety.

And when changing your password, make sure you choose a password that is difficult to guess, stop using your date of birth, your name, your Nick name or anything related to you as your password

When creating a new password make sure it looks something like this "Ay8@$)829*H6", also make sure that your password contains more than 6 characters.

Note, that's my own rule of choosing a strong password, and if you choose to do the same, you should write it down so that you can refer to it anytime you forget it again.

How does email get hacked?

You email can be hacked when the hacker uses phishing websites to attack you, with phishing websites, a hacker can create a website that looks exactly like a trusted website and if you log in with your email address and password, the hacker will have your password.

Imagine that you received an email from your email provider that you need to login again for confirmation and when you click the link, it takes you to a page that looks exactly like your email provider's website

With this type of concept, a hacker can make you give out your email password, so be watchful.

Can you get hacked by replying to an email?

You can't be hacked by simply replying to an email, unless if you send out your email password to the hacker of course

Or if you click on a link in the email that was sent to you and perform something that includes typing your password in the page that the link takes you to.

How to keep your email safe from hackers.

  • make your password strong
  • don't send out your email address to random people
  • don't give out your login information to anyone
  • don't log into your email on a public computer
  • Don't click on spammy links

if you do these things it will help you keep your email safe from hackers, I hope this helps you.


have you been hacked before, what was your experience, if this post helps you, kindly comment your thoughts below, and don't forget to share this posts with others, thanks for reading.