How to Check Waec Result (anywhere you are)

how to check weac result

After sitting for the examination, students usually ask questions like, how to check waec result using phone, because the board enable the students to check their results online without any hassle.
This post will show you all you need to know, to check your waec result in no time.


The West African Examination Council (waec) is an examination board by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English speaking west African countries like Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon,  according to Wikipedia.

Secondary school students will usually sit for this exam set by the board in order to acquire a secondary school certificate to enable them enter the university, there are other examinations like WASSCE (west African senior secondary certificate examination), GCE (general certificate of education) and some few others

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How can I check my waec result?

Online method

Checking your waec result is as easy as browsing the internet, even a 6 year old can do this, because the website is easy to navigate and user friendly, so once you follow the process below, you’ll not need to memorize it anymore it will be there for as long as you live, sounds fair, okay, follow the below steps.

  • Have your voucher ready before hand
  • Log on to, the website will then be open
  • On the left top side of the page, right below the blue bar, you will see some spaces where you can put in some useful information called Weac result checker, fill in your examination number, select your examination year, choose the type of extermination, insert your pin, put your serial number and click submit.
  • And then wait for the page to load, please be careful not to click submit multiple times to avoid any problem.

Offline method

What if you don’t have a smartphone, does that mean you cannot check your result? Of course not, follow the below steps to check your result even if youre using a Nokia torchlight phone.
Send an SMS  to the waec board using the format below:

WEAC*ExamNumber*PIN*ExamYear to this code >>>32327

Note: when typing this message, don’t give space, do it assive youre loading a recharge card on your phone, no space, and #30 will be deducted from your account balance.


Hope you find this post helpful, don’t forget to share this with your friends or any other person you care about, there are many people who still don’t know how to check their weac result, so please show love.
And if you have any question, feel free to leave it in the comment section below, have a good day!
